These Kids Are Driving Me Crazy!

These Kids Are Driving Me Crazy!

“She stole my barbie!” My four-year-old cries. “It’s mine!” screams my five-year-old. “I’m hungry!” says my two-year-old, as she tugs at my skirt. All the while my infant is crying because it’s time to nurse. I stand there, exhausted, looking around at my chaos, and...
Bring Them Up

Bring Them Up

Father’s Day is just a couple of days away, and it has me thinking what a great privilege that it is to be a father. But it is also a big responsibility. We see that responsibility in Ephesians 6:4 when Paul writes, “Fathers, do not provoke your children...
Weigh It Out

Weigh It Out

Have you ever made a choice that you instantly regretted? Most often it happens to me with food. In the morning, I make a commitment to get healthy and lost a little weight and by the time that bedtime comes around I have already blown my diet on whatever junk food...
Are You Needy?

Are You Needy?

I catch myself being that “needy mom.” You know, the one who looks for constant affirmation from her children that they still like her, love her, and need her. The mom that looks to her kiddos to meet her emotional needs. All moms want their kids to need them and love...
Find Me A Friend!

Find Me A Friend!

“When we move we won’t have any friends!” My daughters were devastated to leave their friends in Iowa when we shared the news we were about to move them 1,300 miles away. Their statement was true. We moved to an area where we didn’t know a single person. Even though...
Keep Pulling In The Same Direction

Keep Pulling In The Same Direction

Most of us have played tug of war at least once in our lives. It’s a sport with a simple premise, but one filled with strategy. The goal is simple, just pull the other team to the center line and you win. What I love about the sport is the complete team effort...