I still remember the moment on our wedding day when Lysandra walked around the corner and my eyes locked in on this woman who was about to become my wife.

It is still one of the happiest moments of my life!

I relive it with every wedding that I officiate or attend. When the bridal march hits and all eyes turn to the back of the room waiting to see the bride, I turn and focus in on the eyes of the groom. In a matter of moments those eyes go from anticipation and expectation to sheer joy.

I wish that I could say that I look at my wife that way every time that I see her. Don’t get me wrong, I still love to see her walk into the room. But I often let life steal my focus.

There is work to do, bills to pay, and responsibilities to take care of. And if we aren’t careful, we can zero in on all of these things and lose sight of our bride.

I want you to stop and just think about that point in time on your wedding day when you saw your bride for the first time.

Remember the excitement and love that you felt in that moment. Never lose sight of your bride. This woman that you share a life with is the same woman that you looked for on your wedding day.

Don’t let the cares and responsibilities of life take that away from you. Take a long hard look at her today.